Character Creation
- Come up with a basic character concept, what is the character you will play like?
- Name - What is your character’s name?
- Origin - What Nation was your character raised in?
- Talent - What is your character’s special Talent?
- Talent Level - What level is that Talent at? Choose between 1 and 6. It us used to determine the level of effectiveness for your character’s Talent, as well as some other things (e.g., Friends, Enemies, Luck, Reputation and Wealth).
- Set Friends, Enemies, Luck, Reputation and Wealth to one.
- Destiny Points - Subtract your Character’s Talent Level from seven, these are your character’s Destiny Points. This will also determine how many skills they will start with.
- Background Points - Multiply your character’s Talent Points by three. After that is done, subtract one. That number is how many Background points your character has.
- Childhood - Choose a background, select a skill from each Aspect and spend Background Points to start with more Friends if you like.
- Early Schooling - Choose a background, select your Destiny in Skills and spend Background Points to start with more Enemies.
- Professional Training - Choose a background, select your Destiny in Skills and spend Background Points to start with more Wealth.
- Experience - Choose a background, select your Destiny in Skills and spend Background Points to start with more Reputation.
- Determine Luck - However many Background Points you have remaining, these are your Luck Points. If you have more than 6 left, the excess points add to the number of Enemies you have.
- Determine if your Reputation is positive or Negative.
- Select Friends and Enemies. Each Friend and Enemy must have a Name (it can be that of an NPC introduced by the GM, a PC or you can use that slot to introduce a new character to the setting) and an origin (why are they your friends or enemies?).
- If none of the PCs are one of your Friends, create another type of relationship with a PC.
- Describe their personality
- Describe their Motivation
- Describe their Goal
- You are done!
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